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4 Considerations Before Marriage Counseling

Marriage counseling has become more and more popular with time. Every day couples may consider visiting a counselor to work through problems with a third party. Marriage counseling can provide benefits for couples that are seeking a safe space to openly discuss problems, concerns, or even things that aren’t necessarily problematic.

While many couples think about marriage counseling before committing to it, it is good to know what things are important to consider beforehand. Marriage counseling can become very emotional, traumatic, or even problematic for some couples. With that being said, knowing what it entails may be beneficial to couples that are considering it.

Things to consider before marriage counseling

The commitment

Adults live busy lives and finding the time to do much of anything can be difficult at times. Before people go through with marriage counseling, it would be best for both parties involved to consider whether they can make the time to really commit to the counseling sessions. Jobs or kids often get in the way of these types of things, so it’s important to decide whether the time can be invested.

While a timely investment is important, a personal one is too. With marriage counseling, it’s extremely important that both parties are invested in the sessions. If even one person is only partially invested, then marriage counseling might not be the best decision. Consider how each person feels about marriage counseling and then decide whether both people can invest in it.


Compromise may seem like a given to any couples, but surprisingly a lot of marriages can reach a point where one person may not be willing to budge on certain things. It’s extremely important in the marriage counseling process that both people be able to compromise without holding grudges or feeling angry.

Don’t expect immediate change

Just like with any treatment, changes are almost never immediate. Marriage counseling will take time for both parties involved to find a way to work through their problems. Be sure to consider whether or not both parties are prepared to be patient because seeing results within the marriage may not happen overnight.


Whether a person is taking responsibility for their own part in something good or bad, it’s important that they know how to do so. Marriage counseling isn’t to be focused on just one person within the marriage, but rather on both people. Each person being able to take responsibility for their actions (good and bad) is important in order for counseling to be beneficial.


Marriage counseling can be intimidating and many people may fear giving it a shot. However, knowing what things to consider before committing can be beneficial. Some people may not be ready yet, while others may consider the important things and be ready by the next day. It’s good to know what things couples should consider before deciding to bring a third party in.

If you’re still unsure of whether or not marriage counseling is for you and your spouse, then call us today. We are trained professionals who are always seeking to help in any way we can.

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