Flourish Embraces the Philosophy of Whole Person Coaching®.

Our approach to coaching is based on 5 holistic principles:

  1. You are whole, complete and fully resourceful, just as you are.
  2. Your life is interdependent with your entire being.
  3. Comprised of many pathways, your life’s journey is your own.
  4. Your power to learn is your advantage to achieve the unimaginable.
  5. You can be innovative in your own life.

“Human excellence lives within you and so does the spirit of success. Integrating all of who you are, with the future in mind and a focus on your habits of thinking, feeling & acting in the world, gives you access to the whole of your human experience…You start seeing yourself through the patterns… You are then free to re-imagine, grow, evolve.”

Consumers Beware:

Coaching is an unregulated field that lacks any legal oversight or standardized requirements for the ethical behavior or training qualifications of coaches. So when shopping around for a life coach or business coach, it’s best to ask how much training a coach has had and how many years of experience they have in this profession.

All of the coaches at Flourish have completed 3 years of graduate school in the field of Psychology, adhere to strict ethical guidelines, and have been empowering clients for 15 – 21 years.