How a Relationship Coach Can Help You
For anyone looking to improve or be more fulfilled by their personal relationships, a relationship coach might be just the answer. Relationship coaches help single individuals, romantic couples, friends and families to better understand themselves and to improve and...
The Real Reason You Are Criticizing Your Partner
In American society we have a stereotype that it is women who “nag their partner”. However the truth is that men fall into this pattern every bit as often as women do. Either partner can fall into a habit of frequently criticizing the other. It is a common pattern to...
An Irreverent Poem to Close Out 2020
Oh, 2020, I can't say I'll miss you. Here is a poem that accurately describes my feelings about the past year: "'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the land, people reflected on summer, how they saw not one single band. No concerts, no movies, not trips...
Re-igniting the Spark in a Pandemic
The more stress we feel, the more negative impact there is on our sex lives. After 9 long months of personal, relational, and global stress - we need to put some intention toward re-igniting the spark in our intimate lives. Can We Make Our Sex Lives Fun Again tells us...
Need a Little Inspiration This Christmas?
Today I want to share some inspirational words from the poet and author Howard Thurman. Thurman was also a spiritual advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The poem is called “I will Light Candles This Christmas”. I will light Candles this Christmas, Candles of joy...
What Healthcare Professionals Are Available for My Mental Health Needs?
Is there a difference between a psychiatrist, counselor and psychologist, and how do they assist with mental health? You may be interested in getting healthcare services for a previously diagnosed condition, or perhaps you have never been diagnosed and are looking for...
Improving Work-Life Balance in the Age of Working From Home
For many of us, 2020 has been the year that we transitioned from commuting to our office 5 days per week to working from home full-time. Although we may have initially been relieved to not have the dreaded daily commute, this article suggests that we may be missing...
Recognize the Signs of a Mental Health Issue
Mental health is an important, serious matter that is not talked about nearly enough. This is just as important as physical health and it is something that requires attention. As therapists, we understand the need to pay attention to a persons’ mental health and...
5 Action Steps if You Are Feeling Depressed
Today’s post is for any of you who have been feeling down and depressed. Whether it is for a day, for a month, or for the 9 months that we have been in this dumpster fire of a pandemic. Depression is far more common this time of year. I want to share a few strategies...
Is it Time to Develop Your Mental Health Action Plan?
We have made it 259 days through the pandemic. When I think about how social I am, and how few people I have actually gotten to see in person lately, I have to give myself some credit. I hope that there is something that you can give yourself some credit for as well!...