Executive Coaching
Where Professional Development Reduces Stress & Builds CompetencyHere’s the kicker – The same Reactive Tendencies that you have that are creating stress and conflict for you personally are also the ways in which your effectiveness as a leader gets derailed. Those patterns don’t serve you at work and they don’t serve you personally either.
Throughout your coaching engagement, we’ll be a confidential thought partner and we’ll collaborate on all of your burning questions:
- “How much of this is me? How much of this is on ‘them’?”
- “Should I stay in this organization? Or do I need to find a better cultural fit?”
- “How do I handle the crucial conversation I need to have next week?
- “What else should I be thinking about in this situation?”
- “What could I be doing better?”
“Angela says a lot of really powerful things to me that get me thinking.”
We’ll also be candid about which of your behaviors are highly effective in achieving business outcomes and show you how to outgrow the patterns that are holding you back and stressing you out.
The result is a more effective, more confident you, and results so obvious to your organization that they bring a 500-700% return on investment.
Take one of our current enterprise executives, for example. As a highly experienced senior executive he engaged us when the dysfunction among his peers had reached a fever pitch. It left his department so ineffective he was considering exiting the company as a result. He had regrets about how he had interfaced with some of the key players and knew that he was capable of better.
We identified the insecurities that he had allowed to create conflict and onboarded tools to prevent those behaviors from surfacing again. Throughout his coaching we also identified organizational dysfunctions and kept him clear on where he could have impact and influence, and where he could not, buying him time and clarity until headquarters enacted the necessary change management to remedy the dysfunction. He’s still there and his most recent performance review was glowing with positive feedback.
“When we experience the world as too complex, we are not just experiencing the complexity of the world, we are experiencing a mismatch of the world’s complexity and our own at this moment. There are only 2 ways to mend this mismatch – reduce the world’s complexity or increase our own.”
Reduce Stress, Increase Impact.
Schedule your 15 min conversation today.