When Flourish opened its doors it was a one person operation on a shoe string budget, subleasing space two days a week at 44th Avenue & Lowell. My ferociously independent thirteen-year-old was tiny then. I was done with the three years of voluntary & sleepless torture that is otherwise known as “attending graduate school” and I was pregnant with my second child. So there was very little common sense involved in choosing to launch a business at that particular moment in time since my plate was already so full.
Fortunately, what I lacked in common sense in those days, I more than made up for with passion. I was determined to have autonomy and flexibility in my career so I could be present for my children. I was also adamant about creating a practice where I could see the clients that I wanted to see; smart & motivated folks who wanted to take their life or their relationship to the next level – to flourish.
Flourish has always felt like a third child to me. It’s an integral part of my family. Although, truth be told, in the early years Flourish sometimes felt like the colicky baby that just would not sleep through the night. It hasn’t always been easy but it has always been worthwhile.
I’m tremendously proud of what Flourish has become 10 years later: We’re currently in the process of hiring a fifth therapist and quickly outgrowing our Eliot Street location (as those of you who’ve squeezed your entire family into Marcilla’s office already know). More importantly, the practice brings a steady stream of amazing & dynamic people into my life – delightful & astute colleagues that I’m honored to work with and incredible and daring clients that we all so deeply enjoy. To all of you who have supported Flourish in any capacity over the past 10 years – Thank you.