Intimacy & Sexual Synergy:
An Infinite Playground of Possibilities
Hungry for more flirtation & verbal affection?
What if you could both be more present & sensual?
Ready to discover new possibilities for physical intimacy?
Intimacy & Synergy is a series of 3 intensive sessions for you & your partner designed to:
- Turbo-charge the synergy between you with a powerful dose of education.
- Banish “stale” from your bedroom.
- Strengthen your ability to flirt.
- Enhance your verbally expression of fondness of each other.
- Recover the art of sensuality and discover new forms of romance.
- Empower you to tap into the possibilities of both the erotic and ecstatic forms of intimacy.
- Show you how to “game the system” to enhance desire and libido.
- Teach you about the four different types of female pleasure that you both should really know about.
- Gift you with an expansive array of opportunities to fan the fire of sexual synergy.
This 3-part series is highly informative as well as experiential. Created and facilitated by Executive Therapist Angela Sasseville, this proprietary program will educate you both with new insights and possibilities. After each class, the two of you will schedule private time alone to try out new ways of connecting, including some sensual homework assignments.
Imagine feeling:
Alive from your physical connection
Giddy about the dormant possibilities you’ve uncovered
More fulfilled by your sexual connection than you thought possible!