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The Savvy Singles Guide to Dating This Summer

The Savvy Singles Guide to Dating This Summer

Relationship Advice

We’re here with 3 tips for all of you who are excited about getting back out there into the dating world this summer.

Tip #1:

Get clear on your intentions. Are you interested in dating casually this summer? Or are you more focused on finding someone who might be a long-term partner? There is no right or wrong answer but it’s important for you to get clarity on your intentions about dating so that all of your other choices can be in alignment with what you actually want.

Tip #2:

Get clear on your dating rules for yourself ahead of time, and come up with two or three that feel like they’re in integrity with who you are and what your intention is. For example, do you go home with someone on the first date? Ladies, how many times do you need to meet a man to feel safe and comfortable knowing it’s okay to disclose your home address? Some of these basic dating rules will help you make better choices when they come up in real life.

Finally, but most importantly, tip #3:

Have a great time out there, but DO be selective. Your time is your most important resource and the longer you spend hanging out with someone who is just okay, the more likely you are to feel attached to them, and the less time you are spending looking for someone who is absolutely going to knock your socks off.

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