If you are having marital problems, we encourage you to schedule an appointment to speak with a therapist at our clinic. It is perfectly normal to have issues from time to time. Marriage is a marathon and not a sprint. As challenges present themselves, a couple will need to learn how to work through these issues.
Working through these issues can take time and require the assistance of a third-party. As a licensed therapist who treats married couples on a regular basis, we know how to help couples overcome their challenges and work together in a more positive manner.
Types of marital problems
There is a misconception that marriage has to be perfect and that anyone who is struggling is on the road to divorce. It is normal to have challenges in a relationship. The key is how you resolve those challenges and work through them together.
Couples who can do so successfully are going to have a good chance of having a long-lasting marriage. Here are some of the more common issues that we help couples to work through on a regular basis:
#1. Lack of communication
It can be difficult for couples to communicate clearly and to express their feelings. Sometimes this is due to a fear of one partner to let the other in. Other times, it can stem from the conflict that arises when partners try to express their feelings to each other.
Working with a therapist helps couples to identify ways to positively communicate with one another and prevent these common conflicts. Once a couple can speak to each other about difficult things, it becomes possible to resolve issues and to work through challenges as a team.
#2. Challenges with other family members
Sometimes marital problems are caused by other family members. This is especially true for younger couples that have parents who may want to be more involved in the marital relationship than they should. Even children can create stress in a new marriage when families are blended together.
This makes it important for couples to speak with a therapist and learn tools for how to successfully communicate with each other and set boundaries with external family members while preserving the sanctity of their own relationship.
#3. Becoming an empty nester
When children grow up, leave for college or enter the workforce, it can create significant changes in the marital dynamic. A couple who is accustomed to spending significant time, energy and money on the children, may now find that they are at a loss for what to do and how to interact with each other.
Becoming an empty nester is a significant transitional stage that can be incredibly positive, but also stressful. Working with a therapist can help couples to navigate this change in a productive way and find new meaning in life together.
Call for help with your relationship
Regardless of what is causing you to have marital problems, we can help. Call today and schedule an appointment with a therapist.