
Leading an organization comes with its own set of unique challenges. When you’re a CEO or an executive manager, the stakes are high, and the margin for error is slim. One of the most influential factors in maintaining and enhancing your leadership capabilities is committing to your own professional development. Yet, why do so many CEOs overlook this critical investment?

The Elusiveness of Honest Feedback

One of the greatest hurdles for CEOs is the scarcity of candid feedback. Employees often hesitate to provide unfiltered opinions to their bosses, fearing repercussions. This is where experienced coaches come into play, especially ones with a psychology background. Using tools like the 360- degree interview, such as the Leadership Circle Profile, can help you gain objective feedback. These tools identify strengths and weaknesses across crucial leadership qualities like relationships, creativity, and task management.

360-Degree Interviews

At Flourish Executive Counseling & Coaching we utilize Leadership Circle, a thorough andscientific approach to 360 Degree Interviews. This training equips me to help leaders like you get an in-depth understanding of your leadership style. With this tool, you can identify areas you thought you excelled in, but may need improvement. Gaining insights from an objective 360- degree review can be a game-changer.

The Unknown Unknowns

A significant challenge for CEOs is the "unknown unknowns." You may believe you are proficient in specific areas, but without external input, it’s hard to gauge your actual performance. Regular assessments and coaching sessions can unveil these blind spots, allowing you to grow and adapt effectively. This can be especially useful if your organization is experiencing any change. Change management is a skill set.

Time Limited Thinking

Many executives cite time constraints and prioritizing development as barriers. The skills that got you to your current position are not necessarily the skills that will drive the next phase of growth. Investing time in professional development isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Psychological Insights

Often, CEOs assume they’re fundamentally different from others due to their unique experiences and pressures. While this is partially true, it’s crucial to understand that professional development tailored for executives considers these nuances. Psychological insights provided by experienced coaches can offer new perspectives on handling stress, improving decision-making, and fostering better workplace relationships.

The Benefits of Professional Development

The advantages of investing in your own development are numerous:

  • New Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of what it’s like to work with you, creating opportunities to re-calibrate your approach.
  • Resiliency and Confidence: Build strategies to tackle challenges head-on, fostering
  • Reduced Burnout: Learn techniques to balance professional demands, reducing the risk of burnout.

Resiliency and Confidence

Through continuous learning and feedback, you will develop greater resiliency. This doesn’t just help in bouncing back from setbacks, but also in maintaining a steady course through turbulent times. Confidence, built on a foundation of validated strengths and improved weaknesses, is indispensable for effective leadership.

Reduced Burnout

One of the understated benefits is the reduction in burnout. Knowing how to balance work demands with personal well-being can lead to sustained performance without the detrimental effects of exhaustion.


Investing in your professional development as a CEO is not just about personal growth; it’s about enhancing your leadership impact and driving your organization forward. By leveraging tools like the 360-degree interview and partnering with experienced coaches like Flourish, you can gain the insights and skills needed for continued success.

Ready to take the next step in your professional development? Book a consultation with me, Angela Sasseville, at Flourish Executive Counseling and Coaching. Let’s unlock your full potential together.